Saturday, June 13, 2015

Looking to Recruit Some Staff

With the latest efforts that I have given to get some communities on board with Techtronix, I've realized that I need to recruit and train some more staff.


I have already approached some people who I think are great candidates for becoming staff here on Techtronix (even if training is required), but I am also accepting applicants for staff. To apply, send an email.

Please send the following information:

  1. Name
  2. IRC nick
  3. The position you think you can fill
  4. Some background information
  5. Your IRC skills (examples, etc too if applicable)
  6. Your maturity level/age
  7. Anything else the existing staff should know


After I've looked at some applications, I will approach a few more people. Those who are starting out will start out as help operators! I do not believe in instantly giving power to those who just filled a position. Those who accept are also bound by a strict staff ToS.